Your Local Business Score

Your Local Business score is information ... just like any other data point you look at while running your business.

It doesn't mean that you've done a great job or a bad job.

It acts as a metric to show you what your business' growth potential is.

Take a look at what your total score indicates about the Phase your business is in:

Note: The Phase is not related to how much time you've devoted, what year in business you are in or whether your business will continue to thrive for decades to come.

It is a snapshot of where it is right now.

And perhaps ... if used properly ... it will provide momentum to tackle the areas that you viewed that were missing or not firing on all cylinders.

Because no number is final as long as you are committed to business growth.

So commit to closing the gaps, fixing the gaffs and closing any gargantuan holes.

'Cuz that's what business growth is about.

And if you are looking for direction or want support in growing your business, reach out.

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